September 12, 2008

Fall – To Do List

Brooklyn, NY — Walking to Starbucks this morning I realize this is the time of the year when talk is frequent about “seasons”—as in Fall season and holiday season. Two big events happen in Fall that if you blink they will pass you by: Halloween and Thanksgiving. In the spirit of mindfulness and in an effort to take back Fall for our enjoyment, here are a few things to make the season better in New York City.

1) Start reading The Brothers Karamazov or Madame Bovary or any literature you’ve been putting off. If any season must be dormant, it is Winter. If that is the case, fuel your mind for the good hibernation that comes.

2) Say goodbye to summer clothes. Dry-clean them. Start wearing layers. Carry an umbrella. And a windbreaker.

3) Make dinner and invite a friend instead of eating out. Buy orange candlesticks from Ikea.

4) Run two extra laps around something: the track in your gym, the block in your hood or the perimeter of Central Park.

5) Write a long letter to someone overseas. Do not type. Do it by hand.

6) Leave your house 30 minutes earlier than usual for an appointment and feel how good it is to leisurely make your way there.

7) Get to your Starbucks or Dunkin Donut or wherever 1 hour earlier by waking up 1 hour earlier. Inversely, stay out 1 hour later one evening and see your borough as it looks at 11:00 PM. See what is in your world. See what has been in your world all this time.

8) Call your family and tell them a joke. Don’t get hurt if they don’t get it. Be nutty. Laugh crazily. Or call a good friend and be nutty. They’ll all wonder if you’re off your rockers. And that’s OK for this season. You’re allowed.

9) Go dancing once. Risk feeling like a fool. (See above.) Notice that the awkwardness will pass. And so will Fall. Enjoy it.

photo credits: Pensiero . Some Rights Reserved under Creative Commons license